CoOp Villages.us
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Food Raising Food Storage Savings Farming
Food for the village might be provided in the following manner:
Food Raising:
Up to 600 acres might be available for food growing.
Homes would be landscaped with edible plants and
small gardens drip irrigated from house grey water.
Possibly contract with a local farmer to purchase
organically grown foods not raised by the village.
Possibly lease a field and provide the labor to work it.
Visit U-Pick farms during season.
6. Clusters would use food scraps to make compost.
Food Storage:
Most residents could be available at harvest for picking.
Harvested food could be canned in jars or frozen.
This would be absent most preservatives in foods currently purchased.
A walk-in freezer would have a moveable wall for efficiency.
Frozen foods would be consumed first then jarred foods.
Food Savings:
All of the above might bring our food costs down to about 20%
of what we are experiencing now.