CoOp Villages.us
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The transportation systems might be as follows:
Fleet of electric carts, bicycles and wagons provided.
Special consideration will be given to mothers of young children.
A shuttle bus might make rounds every half hour especially during bad weather.
More rounds could be made for school children to get them to the county school bus stop.
Transportation Dept. could be contacted for shuttle service for those in need.
Mail service and other deliveries would be made to the Visitor Center and distributed from there, keeping delivery vehicles out of the village as much as possible.
The goal is to free up the roads as much as possible for pedestrian traffic and for children to play in.
Cars will be allowed to be parked in cluster areas on as as-needed basis.
Priority will be given to mothers of young children and those working outside the village.
All autos would have access to homes to unload large items.
Some autos would be parked in a cluster on an as needed basis, such as someone who works off village, physically impaired persons who continually must visit the doctor, etc.
All other autos, boats and RVs not being used would be stored in the main parking lot and locked up at nights.
A fleet of autos and trucks would be owned and maintained by the village and available to residents when needed. Reservations could be done online. A shuttle service might be called to deliver the resident to the parking lot.
Professional shoppers make daily runs to the city and could be used to run some personal errands.
Medical appointments could be made by the Health Dept. Coordinator who would also insure that a car and driver would be available if needed.
Supplies of child seats would be maintained and installed as cars are reserved.