CoOp Villages.us
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Drinking water Grey Water Sewage
Drinking Water:
Recognizing that Florida expects to double in population in the next five years and that drinking water is becoming more expensive to supply, the following is recommended:
Homes: Cisterns collecting rainwater,
filtered and treated.
Clusters would have wells as back-up and to
supply water under pressure needs.
These faucets would be painted blue.
Larger Buildings: Wells that might be monitored by computer
(SCADA system) and safety person.
Grey Water Back to Top
Water from all sources except toilets would be collected and used for irrigation of edible plants.
These faucets would be painted with red stripes.
Sewage Back to Top
Homes: Septic Tanks (two homes per tank)
Larger Buildings: Septic Tanks
Campground: Septic Tanks