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Incorporating Instructions & Forms
In A Nutshell
By Jim Costa
Go To: File With State
Go To: Get Federal ID Number
Go To: Create Corp. Records
Go To: Prepare for Organizational Meeting
Instructions For Creating a For-Profit Corp.
File With The State
1. Google for your State: "Florida Division of Corporations:
Search for: Incorporating a For- Profit Corp.
(do not select Register a Corporation. That is when your Florida
corporation is opening a branch store in another state.
2. While at the State website, search for Corporations by name.
Make certain the name you want to use is available.
3. Download their form and fill it out. See sample of answers. PDF
Note: Your signature is required twice.
4. Go back online and file using a credit card.
Get Federal ID Number
1. Wait a week until you get your Corporation Charter back from the state.
2. Download Form SS4 PDF
3. Download Completed Sample PDF
4. Complete your SSF Form.
5. Go online to see Instructions - How & Where to file it. Link
6. Note: You haven't decided if you will be an employee yet.
If no plans to hire anyone else soon, answer questions #13 and #14
for no employees. YouTube: Tax Planning - Sub S Corp.
7. As soon as you get a EIN number write it down and save a copy of any paper
proving it was assigned to you.
Create Your Corp. Records
1. Purchase a 3 Ring Notebook and 15 tab dividers.
Correct and print Notebook cover sheets. PDF
2. Print Procedures For Organizational Meeting. PDF
3 Correct and print Organizational Meeting basics:
A. Waiver of Notice For Org. Meeting PDF
B. Offer To Purchase Shares of Stock PDF
C. Prepare Blank Stock Certificates PDF
D. Prepare Corporate Seal PDF
E. Correct first two paragraphs of Bylaws PDF
F. If "C" Corporation, correct first two paragraphs
of Medical Plan and Education Plan. PDF
G. Shareholders' Agreement PDF
This agreement requires all retiring shareholders to offer to sell stock
back to the corporation before selling to outsiders.
Prepare For Organizational Meeting.
1. IRS Form 2553 to become Sub "S" if desired. Sample Blank
If you file this be certain to save the authorization form
that is returned in a few months.
Youtube: Tax Planning - Sub S Corp.
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