Coaching Notes
​Source: Chemo - Secrets To Thriving
Chemo Secret Slideshow: 2 Minutes
1 Basics
10 Reach Out
15 Financial Help
19 Hair
22 How Will I Look
24 To Do List Prior To Starting Chemo
29 Have Journal handy.
33 Final Checklist prior to Chemo Day.
37 Day of Chemo.
46 Day After Chemo – Preventing Bone Pain
47 Ask Right, Right, Right.
59 Preventing Infection and Bleeding.
61 Platelets Help Your Blood Clots.
66 Steroid Side Effects: Mood Swings and Weight
71 Steroids Become Robbers So Become Robin Hood.
73 Will I Feel Nauseous and Vomit?
83 Mouth and Throat Sores – How to prevent, alleviate
and stop them.
86 The Truth About Your Orifices.
95 Sex Life, What Sex Life.
97 Skin and Nails.
103 Regulating The Toxic Waste That Comes Out Of You.
108 Flu-Like Symptoms: Fatigue and Stamina.
111 The ABCs Of Your CBS
112 Rev Up Your Energy.
114 Iron.
115 More Ways To Help Rebuild Your Body.
116 I Just Forgot What I wanted To Tell You –
All About Chemo Brain.
122 If You Get Depressed Then Get Serious.
131 Remember To Take Care Of The Caregiver.
132 Prioritize Yourself.
Note: Items in green are on Home Stash list.
​ Basics
1. Treatments today are not the same as 20 years ago. Today they are cocktails
containing anti-nasia and pain relievers.
2. Use a coach. When people try to tell Cancer war stories say, “Stop, I don’t want
to hear this.”
3. Order a Records Binder from $18
4. Create a free blog at to inform family of progress.
5. Tape record or take notes at doctor appointments.
6. Keep a Paper Monthly Calendar of appointments. It will be needed for insurance
questions, etc.
7. Keep a Journal of Feelings to determine patterns of daily energy after treatments.
Will help planning your personal life.
8. Ask Oncologist about Support Groups.
9. Create a Laughter Stash (recorded comics, etc.)
Reach Out
10. Selectively tell people of your illness. Some you can discuss openly with; others
you can live your normal life with.
11. Have close family go to Blog before calling you. You can add a Do Not Call
notice up to be left alone for a nap.
12. Ask For Help on Blog. Need a ride; Drowning in laundry; cook a meal for us
tomorrow – gonna be rough; pick this up and drop off at Jacky’s for Sarah.
13. Tell friends and family that you would still like to be included in gatherings. You
can decline later.
14. Institute an Honesty Policy and keep it. IE Can you help me? No, I don’t want to
go out. Lets just talk like we normally do.
Financial Help
15. Partnership for Prescription Assistance
16. Families Can – Non-Medical expenses.
17. When bills arrive ask if financial assistance is available. Apply promptly.
18. Have a coach handle the medical bills & forms.
19. Buy hats now.
20. Have a good tape clothes brush for falling hair.
21. Ask Oncologist for prescription for hair / cranial prosthesis. For women only.
22. Wear a paper towel under wig for cooler wear.
23. Hair will regrow three months after last treatment.
How Will I Look
22. Pencil in eye brows with short strokes. Wipe mascara wand over that.
23. When chemo is over, to grow back eye lashes, use a stimulant containing
prostaglanden-like compound. One brand: Rivatalash. Expensive, has some
side effects; ask friends to kick in for celebration.
To Do List Prior To Starting Chemo
24. Do dental work prior to starting chemo. Cannot be done during chemo.
25. Purchase meds, supplements and other needed supplies prior to starting chemo.
Get list from Oncologist.
26. Start your mouth sore remedy now. Get list from Oncologist.
27. Discuss now with medical staff your fears (nausea, etc)., sensitivities and
allergies and current medications, as this may affect your cocktail.
28. Tell doctor if you are not sleeping.
Other Things To Do
28 Have Journal handy.
29. Find out how long the first Chemo session will be.
30. Get Journal. Record health, strength, feelings, moods and number of pills.
Record sleep & nap times.
31. Purchase a Daily Pill Box.
32. Visit the chemo room prior to start date.
Prepare to bring blanket, book, laptop, snacks, music, etc.
Final Checklist prior to Chemo Day.
33. Have you taken your Pre-Meds, in particular mouth sore prevention?
34. Do you have on hand medicines for bone pain, mouth soreness, nausea?
35. Do you have your journal? Blog set for “Do Not Disturb?
36. Some meds can be taken several days prior to Chemo day.
Tape note on bathroom mirror to remind you.
Day of Chemo.
37. Dress in layers. Bring your anti-nausia remedy and use it.
(salty pretzels and ginger ale).
38. Entertain yourself. Make own music track. Research on laptop. Bring power
39. If IV stings or you are nauseated tell them. They can slow the drip down to
alleviate the discomfort.
40. Find out what you should not be eating, doing or taking. Record it in journal.
41. Network with other patients. Ask for helpful hints.
42. Record your blood levels.
43. Drink water, water and water to flush out the treatment.
Daily lay out and drink (6) 16 oz water bottles.
44. Pee, Pee & Pee, even in the IV room to wash out dead cells.
45. Schedule easy day afterwards. Couch it or lunch with a friend.
Day After Chemo – Preventing Bone Pain
46. 30% of patients that take pegfilgrastim get bone pain.
If this applies to you, take Claritin-D, 12 hour runny nose OTC medicine to alleviate the pain.
Take a few hours prior to treatment and continue for two days after. You may also consider Advil.
If nothing is taken, the pain is severe. Discuss with doctor prior to treatment.
Ask Right, Right, Right.
47. Ask the right people the right question at the right time, if you feel any
discomfort. Make sure it is unavoidable.
Days Between Chemo Treatment.
48. Drink water, water and water, at least four 16 oz. Bottles a day.
Avoid caffeine and alcohol as they will dehydrate you.
49. Use mouth sore and bone pain medicine.
50. Keep a journal of how you feel and search for future patterns.
51. Monitor temperature daily. If at or over 100, call doctor.
52. Eat extra helping of protein daily. ie. Chicken breast or whey in cereal.
This will boost your energy, immune system & healing.
53. Eat five servings (fist fulls) of fruits & vegetables daily.
54. Exercise moderately (walking or stretching).
55. Eating protein and exercising will rebuild the destroyed muscles.
Keep Your Log To Predict Future.
56. It should reflect your Energy, Moods & Emotions
57. Also record temperature, blood count, pill types and frequency.
58. Example: Day before therapy felt hyper & happy after steroids;
took prescription sleeping pill at bedtime; slept well.
Preventing Infection and Bleeding.
59. Chemo reduces white blood cells (immunity).
60. Wash hands frequently;
Do not put hands in mouth or nose;
Avoid sick or coughing people.=;
Avoid crowds;
Avoid dirt, cat litter, dog poo or heavy cleaning.
If you cut yourself, wash immediately with warm water & soap.
Do not eat raw or under-cooked fish, seafood, meat, chicken or eggs.
Platelets Help Your Blood Clots.
61. If you notice bruising, nose bleeds or headaches, notify medical team.
62. Never take medication without doctor’s approval, including
aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen or anything else.
63. No Alcohol.
64. Use soft toothbrush.
65. Use electric shaver.
Steroid Side Effects: Mood Swings and Weight Gain.
66. Steroids cause major mood swings; very happy, high, rage & anger,
depression & crying.
67. Steroids prescribed to prevent nausea and fluid gain.
if no problem with those reactions suggest lowering medication.
68. Other side affects: Make you puffy, skin feel rubbery, eat constantly
and keep you awake all day and night.
69. Do:
Create your own magic formula with medical team.
Enjoy elastic waistbands.
Eat more protein, fruits & Veges.
Consider getting prescription sleeping pills (Ambien, Lunesta).
Drink Water!
70. Do Not:
Eat junk food
Steroids Become Robbers So Become Robin Hood.
71. Steroids take calories and turn them into fat. Don’t eat too many sweets.
72. Do not adjust steroid meds without Doctor approval.
Will I Feel Nauseous and Vomit?
73. Discuss this with your medical team.
74. Discuss when it initially begins as it is easier to stop then.
75. Secure anti-nausea meds from doctor prior to starting treatment.
76. Have anti-nausea stash with you at all times, even in treatment.
77. Stash: Salty pretzels and ginger ale.
Ginger anything. (pickled ginger root, ginger tea)
Mint: Mint tea or fresh mint.
Tea and saltine crackers.
Apple slices & tea.
Marijuana (get prescription)
78. Avoid The Queasies:
Eat & Drink slowly.
Avoid greasy, fatty, fried and overly sweet foods.
Drink liquids before or after meals.
If odors affect you use microwave, eat outside, eat food cold.
79. If Vomiting, carry puke bags from drugstore.
80. If Loss of Appetite:
Eat smaller amounts more often.
Dress up food with china, cloth napkins and garnishes.
Make meal special with laughter, music.
Experiment with tastes, temperatures and texture.
Cold or room temperature food might be better.
Have an alcoholic drink.
Drink supplements like Ensure and Boost, with doctor’s approval.
81. If you have a metallic taste in your mouth:
Use plastic utensils or chopsticks.
Chew sugar free gum,
Follow mouth care guidelines,
Drink Plenty of water.
82. Studies show adding ground ginger or ginger root to foods days before,
during and after treatment can reduce nausea and vomiting.
Mouth and Throat Sores – How to prevent, alleviate and stop them.
83. Begin now to brush your teeth with Arm & Hammer Baking Soda and
Peroxide toothpaste.
Use a soft toothbrush.
Rinse mouth with baking soda, salt and water OR Biotene mouthwash.
Drink at least four 16 oz. bottles of water daily.
Eat foods high in fiber.
84. With doctor’s permission on chemo day and three days after:
Glutamine Powder – Add 10 gr Vitamin B complex.ams to 10 oz. of apple juice or Gatorade,
swish and swallow for throat sores or spit for mouth sores.
Vitamin B6 – Take one 100 mg tablet twice twice a day during therapy to help oral healing.
Lysine – Take one 500 mg tablet twice a day to prevent oral lesions.
85. If #84 does not work, consider prescription for Valterx or
OTC canker sore patches such as CankerMelts or Canker Cover.
The Truth About Your Orifices.
86. Mouth Sores, if you get them.
Skip the hot tea, suck on a popsicle.
Eat and drink foods at room temperature.
Avoid tobacco, alcohol and mouthwash with alcohol.
Use Carmex on the sores to sooth them.
If you feel a sore coming, rub ice on it to prevent it.
Rinse and gargle with 3% hydrogen peroxide.
87. Dry Mouth:
Use mouth and toothpaste made for dry mouth, such as Biotene.
If you have NO mouth sores, suck on lemon or lemon drops to create saliva.
88. Sore Throat:
If no mouth sores, drink hot tea with honey.
Use throat lozenges.
89. Runny Nose:
Antihistamines such as Claritin-D with doctor’s approval.
Carry soft tissues t all times.
90. Dry Nose:
Use moisturizer like Vaseline, Vicks, Neosporin or Aquaphor.
You may get a scab in your nose, If caused to bleed and persists call health team.
91. Teary Eyes.
Keep tissues handy.
Check with doctor about a antihistamine.
92. Dry Eyes.
Use natural eye drops.
Talk to ophthamologist.
93. More Eye Problems:
If you become light sensitive wear hat and sunglasses.
If vision becomes blurry, tell your doctor.
If vision changes, you may want to wait to adjust glasses as it will clear up.
If vision changes drastically, get new prescription and save old lenses.
Now Here’s The Bottom Line. The Urethra, Vagina &
94. Urinary tract may become irritated; Dry vagina and rectum may get moist.
For urinary, drink cranberry juice daily. If yeast infection tell doctor.
For vagina use water based (only) lubricant.
For rectum, take a warm bath, dry thoroughly or blow dry, put corn starch or talcum powder on area.
If rectum is dry and sore, use zinc, Castor oil and Vitamin E to soothe it.
Sex Life, What Sex Life.
95. Ask doctor about vaginal cream.
96. Fertility: Stay on birth control.
Skin and Nails.
97. More than likely all of your hair will disappear.
98. Dry Skin:
Gentle your skin with Ivory, Pears or Neutrogena soap.
Consider cornstarch or talcum powder in pace of underarm deoderant.
Do not use deodorants containing aluminum.
For blistering or redness of skin, use Udderly Smooth cream products.
99. Dry Lips; Use Carmax, Vaseline or Chapstick.
100. Sun Sensitivity and Discoloration.
Cover up when in the sun.
Lavish sun screen on all parts of you,
Wear long sleeve shirt and hat.
101. Fingernails & toenails.
Keep nails trimmed and clean.
If you get a manicure, insure cleanliness.
Make certain not to cut your skin. If cut, wash with warm water and soap.
102. Tingles of Fingers and Toes.
Tell doctor immediately.
Vitamin B6 with Calcium and Magnesium may help.
Foot bath with warm water hydrogen peroxide and oatmeal may help.
Regulating The Toxic Waste That Comes Out Of You.
103. Drink four 16. oz. Bottles of water daily; exercise.
104. Constipation:
Ask doctor on what you will use.
Do not take anything without asking doctor first.
Drink lots of water.
Limit Alcohol & caffeine.
Eat high fiber foods like oatmeal, prunes or dried apricots.
Fresh ginger steeped in hot water for 5 minutes then add honey.
Ask doctor for laxative.
105. Diarrhea:
Avoid acid and greasy foods.
Don’t drink with meals.
Do drink lots of water between meals.
Eat bland food like BRAT: bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast.
106. Stomach Cramps:
Drink Tonic water, the quinine may help.
Massage the area.
Move around.
107. Gas & Flatulence:
Fresh mint tea or Colpermin tablets, with doctor approval.
Avoid gas producers: milk, beans, cabbage or ask doctor for anti-gas meds.
107. Hiccups:
Breathe into a bag over nose and mouth for 30 seconds.
Allow spoonful of sugar to dissolve in mouth then swallow.
Flu-Like Symptoms: Fatigue and Stamina.
108. Stiff & Achy Limbs:
Exercise, movement & stretching.
If cramps, drink tonic water with quinine, massage them and move around.
109. Headaches:
Drink two glasses of water.
Only take something with doctors approval.
110. Anemia:
Symptoms: Shortness of breath, confusion, difficulty concentrating, dizziness, fainting, pale skin, rapid heartbeat, feeling cold, sadness & depression, more fatigue and weakness.
Inform doctor,
Eat high iron foods like red meat or spinach.
The ABCs Of Your CBS
111. Red blood cells deliver oxygen;
White blood cells fight infection;
Platelets clot blood.
Rev Up Your Energy.
112. Exercise Give You Energy.
Get into the fresh air.
Simple walk,
Upbeat music; dance.
113. Acupuncture:
May be covered by insurance.
Teach yourself main acupuncture points.
114. Check with doctor for iron supplements.
More Ways To Help Rebuild Your Body.
115. Fresh veggie and fruit juices.
Eat plenty of protein.
Take Vitamin B complex.
Drink lots of water.
I Just Forgot What I wanted To Tell You –
All About Chemo Brain.
116. Common Symptoms:
Mental fog,
Difficulty finding words,
Difficulty completing tasks or multi-tasking,
Difficulty Concentrating,
117. What to do for Chemo-Brain:
Tell your doctor.
Report all meds and supplements being used.
Use a notebook to record everything, using dates and times.
Tape a Check List on front door to remember keys, phone, notebook, etc.
Use a timer to remind you of . . .
Stay socially active and tell others of this phase.
Eat healthy and exercise,
Record where you park your car.
Make a Home at home for all keys, notebook, sunglasses, wallet.
Prioritize, simplify, rest, reduce stress.
Realize chemo-brain may show up a few months after the last treatment.
118. Many of our emotions relate to grieving for the loss of our health,
loss of control, loss of our normal looks and loss of our routine.
119. Five Stages of Grief:
120. Signs of Depression, which also happen to be caused by chemo:
Change in eating habits,
Change in sleep patterns,
Loss of concentration.
121. Other Signs of Depression:
Loss of interest in usual activities,
Feelings of hopelessness,
Feelings of worthlessness.
If You Get Depressed Then Get Serious.
122. Discuss with doctor or:
Take an antidepressant with doctor’s approval.
Locate a support group.
Exercise, especially if you are over 50.
Help someone; do a favor
Get lost in movie or book.
Stop reading cancer stories.
Make A List Of What Helps You Rise Out Of A Downer Day and Then Do Those Things.
123. Laughter caused by . . .
124. Do something meaningful:
Call someone you haven’t heard from lately.
Help a neighbor.
Cook dinner.
Make a gratitude list.
125. Stop Worrying.
126. Worry on Schedule.
Set aside 15 minutes per day for this.
Write problems down at this time. Then brainstorm.
Help someone else.
127. If you do go on anti-depressants do not go off them by yourself.
Discuss with doctor.
Remember To Be Your Own Best Friend and Lighten The Load.
128. Insomnia:
Herbal teas, tryptophane and melatonin are natural remedies.
Exercise during the day but not 3 hrs. prior to bed.
Prayer, meditation and visualization.
Relaxation CDs, white noise recordings.
Relaxation & breathing techniques.
Prescription sleeping pills from doctor.
If you are taking Tamoxifen post chemo, take in the morning.
129. Anxiety:
Physical & meditative exercise (yoga, tai chi).
Relaxation CDs
Lie in the grass and cloud watch.
Get creative: paint, draw, garden, do craft, model boat.
Soothing music.
Get prescription from doctor.
130. Rid Yourself Of Resentment.
Don’t allow someone who hurt you in the past to continue to do so.
Let go of anger, resentment and grudges.
Forgive, let go and move on.
That’s right, forgiveness is the ultimate revenge.
Remember To Take Care Of The Caregiver.
131. Tell them to take time off to enjoy themselves.
It’s OK if they eat a better meal than you.
They need to be up in order to lift you.
Post Chemo Highs and Lows.Thank you. Due to lack of time and brain power, I stopped following Q. I instead wait reports on him from others.
Prioritize Yourself
132. It is normal to be depressed after chemo ends.
You are experiencing separation anxiety because of the intense time spent on chemo.
Join a support group.
Rebirth and Renewal.
133. Surprisingly you will find out that cancer is about living!
134. Reorganize your priorities and do:
What you want,
when you want, where you want,
and with whom you want.
Rid yourself of toxic people.
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